A-level exams in Nigeria

A-Levels Exams In Nigeria

A-Level Examinations In Nigeria

A- Levels Exams is also known as advanced Level examinations. They are an advanced examination conducted by an approved body like NUC, JAMB and being organised by a body promoting education inline with a particular vision an aim.

Most A-levels exams are setup for the purpose of creating an alternative method of gaining admission into Nigeria while others for the purpose of getting students to familiarise themselves with what getting abroad in a particular country or a university.

Today, we have severally proved ways in which candidates can gain admission without the use of JAMB route. And these are calls Advanced Levels programme, actually any programme done by candidates that have gotten their Ordinary level certificate/result for the aim of gaining admission into any of the accredited universities in the world is known as A-Level

A- levels examination are usually setup by an external body, but students are tutored in some accredited centres nationwide also known as study centres in which the coordinators of such centres teach them; the candidates who must have shown interest by registration inline with the syllabus of that very programme.

Most A-level programmes result are calculated using points. Having an A grade usually stands for 5 points, B for 4 points while F for null or 0 point. Candidates usually sit for 3 subjects combination and which usuallly depends on the course such candidates want to study in the university. A total of 15 points accrue from the 3 subjects.

The chances of using A-Level to gain admission into university in Nigeria is very high, though each university has its cut off marks for a particular course, but any candidates who perform a little above average in any of the A-level programmes usually gain admission.

The time frame for any A-level programmes is usually between 5 to 10 months in Nigeria, since we have so many centres in Nigeria where a-level programmes are conducted, we usually tell students to register through us so that we can select the best for them where success rate during the examination is very high

No A- level examinationsis easy, the candidate has to sit tight from the first day when the lectures begins till the starting day of the examination. Our advise to candidates has always being that if you are not ready to read, attend lectures, do not register for any A-level programme.

Some of the A-level examinations in Nigeria are

  • IJMB
  • Cambridge
  • GCE
  • SAT

Candidates can register any of these programmmes and use it to gain admission into 200 level among the university that accepts/recognize it.

For Cambridge examination in Nigeria, students can register through us, and the closest accredited centres will be sent to them

Procedure To Apply For Cambridge A Level Nigeria Programme

Preliminary instruction. It is necessary for all applicants to have informed his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) before hand about Cambridge A Level Nigeria programme. After their consent applicants should follow the below instructions

1 Print out the form below and fill the details with CAPITAL LETTERS all through

2. Pay in the application fee which is #25,000 ( Please check the breakdown of Cambridge A Level Nigeria tuition fees here ) to the following account details

Account Name:  Alevel Registration

Account Number: 0163836217

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank (Gtbank)
3.After payment, scan the copy of the teller indicating payment along with the FILLED application form to [email protected]
4. After reviewing your application form, your Cambridge A Level Nigeria centre name and address would be sent to you through the same email you used in sending it to us within 48 hours to 72 hours. We advised that you use your personal and active email address to send in your data to us, as further information and instructions would be communicated through the email address used during the registration.

We advised that you use your personal and active email address to send your data to us, as further information and instructions would be communicated through the email address used during the registration.

Check the Cambridge A Level Nigeria registration form closing date

For complaints, advise and info about Cambridge A Level Nigeria registration and admission, please call 08180679748 or 09050904734


  1. Solomon Avatar

    How can i apply for A level GCE

    1. Cambridge A level Avatar
      Cambridge A level

      Follow the procedure on the Cambridge Nigeria registration page

  2. Solomon Avatar

    How can i apply for A level GCE

    1. Cambridge A level Avatar
      Cambridge A level

      Follow the procedure on the Cambridge Nigeria registration page

  3. […] schools in Abuja, Cambridge college Ikeja fees, Cambridge a level exam in Nigeria, a-level exams in Nigeria on our website for proper guidelines on A-level or click the link for elaboration and explanation […]

  4. […] schools in Abuja, Cambridge college Ikeja fees, Cambridge a level exam in Nigeria, a-level exams in Nigeria on our website for proper guidelines on A-level or click the link for elaboration and explanation […]

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  9. can i use A’level exams in getting admission at imperial college London

  10. can i use A’level exams in getting admission at imperial college London

  11. Kappo joseph Avatar
    Kappo joseph

    Which is the the best school to go in preparation for A level examination

  12. Kappo joseph Avatar
    Kappo joseph

    Which is the the best school to go in preparation for A level examination

  13. Paul Chike Favour Avatar
    Paul Chike Favour

    How much is the form?

  14. Paul Chike Favour Avatar
    Paul Chike Favour

    How much is the form?

  15. Can my WAEC be used to enroll for this ‘A’ level programme

  16. Can my WAEC be used to enroll for this ‘A’ level programme

  17. Do you have centre in Lagos, ikorodu to be precise?

  18. Do you have centre in Lagos, ikorodu to be precise?

  19. Can a 26 year old lady sit for A level exam? If so, do you have examination centre in enugu?

  20. Can a 26 year old lady sit for A level exam? If so, do you have examination centre in enugu?

  21. Pls 419 is full every where so where in Akwa lbom dat l can go to the center n register it.

  22. Pls 419 is full every where so where in Akwa lbom dat l can go to the center n register it.

  23. Osikhena Yaya john Avatar
    Osikhena Yaya john

    How can I receive my A level certificate

  24. Osikhena Yaya john Avatar
    Osikhena Yaya john

    How can I receive my A level certificate

  25. I want information on IJMB, every info you can give me, and affiliated universities in Nigeria, and also their cut off points for medical courses.

  26. I want information on IJMB, every info you can give me, and affiliated universities in Nigeria, and also their cut off points for medical courses.

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