Cambridge A Level Registration in Nigeria

About Cambridge A Level Schools In Nigeria

About Cambridge A Level In Nigeria

Cambridge A Level Registration in Nigeria
Cambridge A Level Registration in Nigeria

We find this article about Cambridge A Level Schools and centres in Nigeria, we think it is going to help applicants of Cambridge A Level in Nigeria schools, so we are sharing accordingly to interested candidates and parents to know more about Cambridge programme as a whole especially as it is apply to Nigeria.

Cambridge A’ Level is a programme being moderated by British Council, it an advanced programme (A’ Level) which let successful students to gain admission into 200 Level via Direct Entry form being purchased from JAMB office.

The exam is twice a year, May/June and October/Nov sessions and candidates are free to choose any of their choose. The Cambridge fees is between #350,000 to #450,000 in Nigeria depending on your centres normally called colleges, schools or centres. The fees above includes the textbooks, the hostel/accommodation and the examinations fees.

The examination fee is mostly determined by the exchange rate of British Pound to naira of any particular session

Majority of us must have heard about Cambridge A levels, one way or the other but not everyone knows what it really entails or details about it. Providing details about A levels will really help someone in need of it, someone like me.
Details required;

(1) Name of schools accredited for Cambridge A levels. (preferably Enugu State) : I’ve no idea as regards any accredited centres in Enugu. But in IBadan, there are quite a good number of them; CAE, JSAY, ACHIEVERS, ASCENDING COLLEGE, SPIN TUTORIALS, ACA, etcetera.

(2) Location of schools: The Centres For Advanced Education (CAE), is located at No. 45, Awolowo Avenue, Old Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria.

(3) Duration: It is usually a 10month crash programme. There are two diets in a year; May/June and October/November. It is usually preferable that you do the May/June diet.

(4) Fees range: If you’re gonna be in the hostel, the total fees may run into say #400k (of which one is allowed to pay in instalments). And that’s not including all the books (which are rather not cheap) that you may need to buy. So considering that one may budget like say #500k or thereabout. It may be more or less than that in other centres though.

(5) Requirements:A good O/level result. A few passports. You would also be required to pay for some form. And then you would be given a little general test. cheesy.

(6) Start date:If you’re gonna do the May/June 2014 Diet, you should have started by August 2013. But then, there are always exceptions to every rule. Some persons enrol for just 3months, write the exams and come out with brilliant results, and some other persons enrol for close to 15months and still come out with woeful results… It all depends on you. Having said that, you could go ahead and register now, it’s not too late yet.

(7) End date: The programme ends the day you write the last paper of the exams. cheesy.

[8] Benefits: Now, the most important benefit of the A/level programme is that it catapaults you straight to 200 level in any university of your choice, both at home and Abroad (as long as you have the required grades). And just like someone said, it gives you an edge over those who only did Jamb. You would realise other benefits when you eventually start the programme. wink.

[9] etc: Now, I must add this… Cambridge A/level is totally different from JAMB. There are definitely gonna be a whole lotta distractions. You have to stay focused, resilient, determined, hardworking to achieve your desired goals. It’s sure not gonna be easy, but I bet you, it’d be real worth it at the end… trust me. wink.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I urge YOU to take up the challenge. And as you do, be sure to set your targets real high so that par-adventure you fall, you’d fall just very close to the set target.


How To Register Cambridge A Level To Any Of Accredited Centres Close To You In Nigeria

We have prepared a page where interested candidates can take up the opportunity of Cambridge A-Level to gain admission into 200 level after the programme in any of the A-Level study centres in Nigeria. Candidates can go to Cambridge A Level registration page for the printing of the form


1 Print out the form below and fill the details with CAPITAL LETTERS all through


2. Pay in the application fee which is #25,000 ( Please check the breakdown of Cambridge A ‘Level Nigeria tuition fees here ) to the following account details

Account Name: Alevel Registration

Account Number: 0163836217

Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank (Gtbank)
3.After payment, scan the copy of the teller indicating payment along with the FILLED application form to [email protected]
4. After reviewing your application form, your Cambridge A ‘Level Nigeria centre name and address would be sent to you through the same email you used in sending it to us within 48 hours to 72 hours. We advised that you use your personal and active email address to send in your data to us, as further information and instructions would be communicated through the email address used during the registration.

We advised that you use your personal and active email address to send your data to us, as further information and instructions would be communicated through the email address used during the registration.

Check the Cambridge A ‘Level Nigeria registration form closing date


For complaints, advise and info about Cambridge A ‘Level Nigeria registration and admission, please call 08180679748 or 09050904734




  1. […] is being set by British Council and all universities in UK, US, Canada, UAE, etc recognises the Cambridge A Level result. Anyone who comes out successfully in Cambridge in Nigeria can use the result to start 200 […]

  2. […] is being set by British Council and all universities in UK, US, Canada, UAE, etc recognises the Cambridge A Level result. Anyone who comes out successfully in Cambridge in Nigeria can use the result to start 200 […]

  3. Pls where exactly is the Cambridge A level located at

    1. Cambridge A level Avatar
      Cambridge A level

      Lagos, Ilorin, Ibadan, Port Harcout, Uyo and Ekiti

  4. Pls where exactly is the Cambridge A level located at

    1. Cambridge A level Avatar
      Cambridge A level

      Lagos, Ilorin, Ibadan, Port Harcout, Uyo and Ekiti

  5. Demilade Avatar

    If I registered for A levels now, can I still write the exam May/June next year?

  6. Demilade Avatar

    If I registered for A levels now, can I still write the exam May/June next year?

  7. If am to exclude hostel/accommodation fees how much am I to pay?

  8. If am to exclude hostel/accommodation fees how much am I to pay?

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