List Of Nigerian Universities That Accept Cambridge A level Result Into 200 Level

Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria Affiliated Universities In Nigeria

Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria have lots of affiliated universities in Nigeria as of today, and students can choose any of them after being through with the programme and have come out successfully and also meets the Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria cut off marks for universities admission inrespective of wherever you have attend your Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria programme lectures and conducted the Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria examination under the supervision of University of Ibadan. We would be listing the Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria affiliated universities below.

What is Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria affiliated Universities? They are universities that you can use Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria result to gain admission into 200 level in that university. You can do your programme at UI, and use the result to apply UI since UI is one of the Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria affiliated universities. You can do your programme at a private centre and decided to use it to gain admission into any of the universities of your choice.

List Of Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria Affiliated Universities


Federal University of Agriculture, Abueokuta

Federal University of Technology, Akure

Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife

University of Benin, Benin City

University of Ibadan, Ibadan

University of Ibadan, Akoka – Lagos

University of Nigeria, Nsukka

University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt

University of Uyo, Uyo

What Interested Candidates Need To Know About Cambridge A 'Level Nigeria Programme.

All private universities in Nigeria accepts it.

89% of Southern universities accept it. Anyone can apply for the programme. 


  1. […] Cambridge A-Level Nigeria result anywhere you want in Nigeria as long as such university is one the Cambridge A-Level Nigeria affiliated universities or any universities that accept Cambridge A-Level Nigeria […]

  2. […] Cambridge A-Level Nigeria result anywhere you want in Nigeria as long as such university is one the Cambridge A-Level Nigeria affiliated universities or any universities that accept Cambridge A-Level Nigeria […]

  3. SODEINDE Simeon Avatar
    SODEINDE Simeon

    Please let this site content be edited. There are some grammatical errors therein that do not befit an English Exam body’s website.
    Thank you for the information anyway. That was well passed across.

  4. SODEINDE Simeon Avatar
    SODEINDE Simeon

    Please let this site content be edited. There are some grammatical errors therein that do not befit an English Exam body’s website.
    Thank you for the information anyway. That was well passed across.

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